简单地说,JSON 可以将 JavaScript 对象中表示的一组数据转换为字符串,然后就可以在网络或者程序之间轻松地传递这个字符串,并在需要的时候将它还原为各编程语言所支持的数据格式,例如在 PHP 中,可以将 JSON 还原为数组或者一个基本对象。在用到AJAX时,如果需要用到数组传值,这时就需要用JSON将数组转化为字符串。
Set oJSON = New aspJSON '载入json oJSON.loadJSON(jsonstring) ' 获取值 Response.Write oJSON.data("firstName") & "<br>" '循环遍历值 For Each phonenr In oJSON.data("phoneNumber") Set this = oJSON.data("phoneNumber").item(phonenr) Response.Write _ this.item("type") & ": " & _ this.item("number") & "<br>" Next '更新/增加 值 oJSON.data("firstName") = "James" '返回json 字符串 Response.Write oJSON.JSONoutput() '删除 oJSON.data.Remove "firstName" oJSON.data("phoneNumber")(0).Remove "number"
Set oJSON = New aspJSON With oJSON.data .Add "familyName", "Smith" '创建值 .Add "familyMembers", oJSON.Collection() '创建 obj 创建下属类 With oJSON.data("familyMembers") .Add 0, oJSON.Collection() '根据obj 创建下属类 With .item(0) .Add "firstName", "John" .Add "age", 41 End With .Add 1, oJSON.Collection() With .item(1) .Add "firstName", "Suzan" .Add "age", 38 .Add "interests", oJSON.Collection() '创建数组 With .item("interests") .Add 0, "Reading" .Add "Tennis", oJSON.Collection() '创建数组 With .item("Tennis") .Add 0, "Reading1" .Add 1, "Reading2" End With .Add 2, "Painting" End With End With .Add 2, oJSON.Collection() With .item(2) .Add "firstName", "John Jr." .Add "age", 2.5 End With End With End With Response.Write oJSON.JSONoutput() '返回json string
{ "familyName":"Smith", "familyMembers":[ { "firstName":"John", "age":41 }, { "firstName":"Suzan", "age":38, "interests":[ "Reading", "Tennis", "Painting" ] }, { "firstName":"John Jr.", "age":2.5 } ] }
<% 'Februari 2014 - Version 1.17 by Gerrit van Kuipers Class aspJSON Public data Private p_JSONstring private aj_in_string, aj_in_escape, aj_i_tmp, aj_char_tmp, aj_s_tmp, aj_line_tmp, aj_line, aj_lines, aj_currentlevel, aj_currentkey, aj_currentvalue, aj_newlabel, aj_XmlHttp, aj_RegExp, aj_colonfound Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set data = Collection() Set aj_RegExp = new regexp aj_RegExp.Pattern = "\s{0,}(\S{1}[\s,\S]*\S{1})\s{0,}" aj_RegExp.Global = False aj_RegExp.IgnoreCase = True aj_RegExp.Multiline = True End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set data = Nothing Set aj_RegExp = Nothing End Sub Public Sub loadJSON(inputsource) inputsource = aj_MultilineTrim(inputsource) If Len(inputsource) = 0 Then Err.Raise 1, "loadJSON Error", "No data to load." select case Left(inputsource, 1) case "{", "[" case else Set aj_XmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") aj_XmlHttp.open "GET", inputsource, False aj_XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/json" aj_XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "CharSet", "UTF-8" aj_XmlHttp.Send inputsource = aj_XmlHttp.responseText set aj_XmlHttp = Nothing end select p_JSONstring = CleanUpJSONstring(inputsource) aj_lines = Split(p_JSONstring, Chr(13) & Chr(10)) Dim level(99) aj_currentlevel = 1 Set level(aj_currentlevel) = data For Each aj_line In aj_lines aj_currentkey = "" aj_currentvalue = "" If Instr(aj_line, ":") > 0 Then aj_in_string = False aj_in_escape = False aj_colonfound = False For aj_i_tmp = 1 To Len(aj_line) If aj_in_escape Then aj_in_escape = False Else Select Case Mid(aj_line, aj_i_tmp, 1) Case """" aj_in_string = Not aj_in_string Case ":" If Not aj_in_escape And Not aj_in_string Then aj_currentkey = Left(aj_line, aj_i_tmp - 1) aj_currentvalue = Mid(aj_line, aj_i_tmp + 1) aj_colonfound = True Exit For End If Case "\" aj_in_escape = True End Select End If Next if aj_colonfound then aj_currentkey = aj_Strip(aj_JSONDecode(aj_currentkey), """") If Not level(aj_currentlevel).exists(aj_currentkey) Then level(aj_currentlevel).Add aj_currentkey, "" end if End If If right(aj_line,1) = "{" Or right(aj_line,1) = "[" Then If Len(aj_currentkey) = 0 Then aj_currentkey = level(aj_currentlevel).Count Set level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey) = Collection() Set level(aj_currentlevel + 1) = level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey) aj_currentlevel = aj_currentlevel + 1 aj_currentkey = "" ElseIf right(aj_line,1) = "}" Or right(aj_line,1) = "]" or right(aj_line,2) = "}," Or right(aj_line,2) = "]," Then aj_currentlevel = aj_currentlevel - 1 ElseIf Len(Trim(aj_line)) > 0 Then if Len(aj_currentvalue) = 0 Then aj_currentvalue = aj_line aj_currentvalue = getJSONValue(aj_currentvalue) If Len(aj_currentkey) = 0 Then aj_currentkey = level(aj_currentlevel).Count level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey) = aj_currentvalue End If Next End Sub Public Function Collection() set Collection = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") End Function Public Function AddToCollection(dictobj) if TypeName(dictobj) <> "Dictionary" then Err.Raise 1, "AddToCollection Error", "Not a collection." aj_newlabel = dictobj.Count dictobj.Add aj_newlabel, Collection() set AddToCollection = dictobj.item(aj_newlabel) end function Private Function CleanUpJSONstring(aj_originalstring) aj_originalstring = Replace(aj_originalstring, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "") aj_originalstring = Mid(aj_originalstring, 2, Len(aj_originalstring) - 2) aj_in_string = False : aj_in_escape = False : aj_s_tmp = "" For aj_i_tmp = 1 To Len(aj_originalstring) aj_char_tmp = Mid(aj_originalstring, aj_i_tmp, 1) If aj_in_escape Then aj_in_escape = False aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp Else Select Case aj_char_tmp Case "\" : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp : aj_in_escape = True Case """" : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp : aj_in_string = Not aj_in_string Case "{", "[" aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10)) Case "}", "]" aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & aj_char_tmp Case "," : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10)) Case Else : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp End Select End If Next CleanUpJSONstring = "" aj_s_tmp = split(aj_s_tmp, Chr(13) & Chr(10)) For Each aj_line_tmp In aj_s_tmp aj_line_tmp = replace(replace(aj_line_tmp, chr(10), ""), chr(13), "") CleanUpJSONstring = CleanUpJSONstring & aj_Trim(aj_line_tmp) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) Next End Function Private Function getJSONValue(ByVal val) val = Trim(val) If Left(val,1) = ":" Then val = Mid(val, 2) If Right(val,1) = "," Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1) val = Trim(val) Select Case val Case "true" : getJSONValue = True Case "false" : getJSONValue = False Case "null" : getJSONValue = Null Case Else If (Instr(val, """") = 0) Then If IsNumeric(val) Then getJSONValue = CDbl(val) Else getJSONValue = val End If Else If Left(val,1) = """" Then val = Mid(val, 2) If Right(val,1) = """" Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1) getJSONValue = aj_JSONDecode(Trim(val)) End If End Select End Function Private JSONoutput_level Public Function JSONoutput() dim wrap_dicttype, aj_label JSONoutput_level = 1 wrap_dicttype = "[]" For Each aj_label In data If Not aj_IsInt(aj_label) Then wrap_dicttype = "{}" Next JSONoutput = Left(wrap_dicttype, 1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & GetDict(data) & Right(wrap_dicttype, 1) End Function Private Function GetDict(objDict) dim aj_item, aj_keyvals, aj_label, aj_dicttype For Each aj_item In objDict Select Case TypeName(objDict.Item(aj_item)) Case "Dictionary" GetDict = GetDict & Space(JSONoutput_level * 4) aj_dicttype = "[]" For Each aj_label In objDict.Item(aj_item).Keys If Not aj_IsInt(aj_label) Then aj_dicttype = "{}" Next If aj_IsInt(aj_item) Then GetDict = GetDict & (Left(aj_dicttype,1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)) Else GetDict = GetDict & ("""" & aj_JSONEncode(aj_item) & """" & ": " & Left(aj_dicttype,1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)) End If JSONoutput_level = JSONoutput_level + 1 aj_keyvals = objDict.Keys GetDict = GetDict & (GetSubDict(objDict.Item(aj_item)) & Space(JSONoutput_level * 4) & Right(aj_dicttype,1) & aj_InlineIf(aj_item = aj_keyvals(objDict.Count - 1),"" , ",") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)) Case Else aj_keyvals = objDict.Keys GetDict = GetDict & (Space(JSONoutput_level * 4) & aj_InlineIf(aj_IsInt(aj_item), "", """" & aj_JSONEncode(aj_item) & """: ") & WriteValue(objDict.Item(aj_item)) & aj_InlineIf(aj_item = aj_keyvals(objDict.Count - 1),"" , ",") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)) End Select Next End Function Private Function aj_IsInt(val) aj_IsInt = (TypeName(val) = "Integer" Or TypeName(val) = "Long") End Function Private Function GetSubDict(objSubDict) GetSubDict = GetDict(objSubDict) JSONoutput_level= JSONoutput_level -1 End Function Private Function WriteValue(ByVal val) Select Case TypeName(val) Case "Double", "Integer", "Long": WriteValue = val Case "Null" : WriteValue = "null" Case "Boolean" : WriteValue = aj_InlineIf(val, "true", "false") Case Else : WriteValue = """" & aj_JSONEncode(val) & """" End Select End Function Private Function aj_JSONEncode(ByVal val) val = Replace(val, "\", "\\") val = Replace(val, """", "\""") 'val = Replace(val, "/", "\/") val = Replace(val, Chr(8), "\b") val = Replace(val, Chr(12), "\f") val = Replace(val, Chr(10), "\n") val = Replace(val, Chr(13), "\r") val = Replace(val, Chr(9), "\t") aj_JSONEncode = Trim(val) End Function Private Function aj_JSONDecode(ByVal val) val = Replace(val, "\""", """") val = Replace(val, "\\", "\") val = Replace(val, "\/", "/") val = Replace(val, "\b", Chr(8)) val = Replace(val, "\f", Chr(12)) val = Replace(val, "\n", Chr(10)) val = Replace(val, "\r", Chr(13)) val = Replace(val, "\t", Chr(9)) aj_JSONDecode = Trim(val) End Function Private Function aj_InlineIf(condition, returntrue, returnfalse) If condition Then aj_InlineIf = returntrue Else aj_InlineIf = returnfalse End Function Private Function aj_Strip(ByVal val, stripper) If Left(val, 1) = stripper Then val = Mid(val, 2) If Right(val, 1) = stripper Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1) aj_Strip = val End Function Private Function aj_MultilineTrim(TextData) aj_MultilineTrim = aj_RegExp.Replace(TextData, "$1") End Function private function aj_Trim(val) aj_Trim = Trim(val) Do While Left(aj_Trim, 1) = Chr(9) : aj_Trim = Mid(aj_Trim, 2) : Loop Do While Right(aj_Trim, 1) = Chr(9) : aj_Trim = Left(aj_Trim, Len(aj_Trim) - 1) : Loop aj_Trim = Trim(aj_Trim) end function End Class %>
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