' common.asp '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Feature : ASP Common Function Pack ' Version : v0.9 ' Author : zhousong( ' Create Date : 2008/2/11 ' Update Date : 2012/4/28 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '定义变量 dim Conn dim Rs dim SQL '---------- DB操作相关函数------------------------------------------------------ '打开主数据库链接,ConnectionString可在外部配置文件中定义或本文件中定义 Sub OpenDB() On error Resume next Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Open ConnectionString If Err.number <> 0 Then Response.Write "数据库服务器端连接错误,请检查数据库连接。" Response.Write Err.Description Err.Clear Conn.Close Set Conn = Nothing Set Rs = Nothing End If End Sub '关闭数据库链接 Sub CloseDB() Set Rs = Nothing If Conn.State = 1 Then Conn.Close() Set Conn = Nothing End Sub ' 生成分页查询SQL语句 ' 参数说明 ' ZD:字段列表 BM:表名 TJ:查询条件 PX:排序字段 Pagesize:每页记录数 PageNum:页码 Function BuildSQL(ZD,BM,TJ,PX,PageSize,PageNum) dim tmpValue IF CINT(PageNum) = 1 Then tmpValue = "SELECT TOP " & PageSize & " " & ZD & " FROM " & BM & " " IF TJ <> "" Then tmpValue = tmpValue & " WHERE " & TJ End IF tmpValue = tmpValue & " ORDER BY " & PX & " DESC" Else tmpValue = "SELECT " & ZD & " FROM " & BM & " WHERE " & PX & _ " IN (SELECT TOP " & PageSize & " " & PX & " FROM (SELECT TOP " & _ CSTR(PageSize * PageNum) & " " & PX & " FROM " & BM IF TJ <> "" Then tmpValue = tmpValue & " WHERE " & TJ End IF tmpValue = tmpValue & " ORDER BY " & PX & " DESC) t1 ORDER BY " & _ PX & " ASC) ORDER BY " & PX & " DESC" End IF BuildSQL = tmpValue End Function ' 执行SQL,不返回记录集 Function ExecuteSQL(strSQL) OpenDB Conn.execute strSQL CloseDB End Function ' 执行SQL,返回单个值 Function ExecuteScalar(strSQL) OpenDB Set Rs = Conn.execute(strSQL) IF Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then ExecuteScalar = Empty Else ExecuteScalar = Rs(0) End IF Rs.Close CloseDB End Function ' 执行SQL,返回记录集数组 ' 注:单列值查询的也返回二维数组,如a(0,0),a(0,1),a(0,2)... Function ExecuteArray(strSQL) OpenDB Rs.Open strSQL,Conn,1,1 ExecuteArray = Rs.GetRows Rs.Close CloseDB End Function ' 执行SQL,返回记录集,用strFormat的内容格式化,模板中用{0},{1}...序列表示Rs的字段 Function ExecuteRs(strSQL,strFormat) dim i dim iFieldCount dim tmpValue dim tmpFormat tmpValue = "" tmpFormat = strFormat OpenDB Rs.Open strSQL,Conn,1,1 IF Rs.EOF Then tmpValue = "" Else iFieldCount = Rs.Fields.Count Do Until Rs.EOF tmpFormat = strFormat ' 下行用于将ID替换为链接地址 'tmpFormat = Replace( tmpFormat,"{link}",LinkPath("detail",Rs(0),0) ) For i = 0 to iFieldCount - 1 tmpFormat = Replace(tmpFormat,"{" & CSTR(i) & "}",Rs(i)) Next tmpValue = tmpValue & tmpFormat Rs.MoveNext Loop End IF Rs.Close CloseDB ExecuteRs = tmpValue End Function '---------- IO操作相关函数 ----------------------------------------------------- ' 返回安全的SQL字符串 Function SafeSQL(strSQL) strSQL = Trim("" & strSQL) strSQL = Replace(Replace(Replace(strSQL,";",";"),"'","''"),"-","-") SafeSQL = strSQL End Function ' 取参数值 Function GetRequest(RequestName) dim tmpValue tmpValue = "" & Request(RequestName) tmpValue = Server.HTMLEncode(tmpValue) tmpValue = SafeSQL(tmpValue) GetRequest = tmpValue End Function ' 取数字型参数的值,如为空或不为数值则设为0 Function GetRequestNum(RequestName) dim tmpValue tmpValue = "" & Request(RequestName) IF tmpValue = "" OR NOT IsNumeric(tmpValue) Then tmpValue = 0 Else tmpValue = Clng(tmpValue) if tmpValue < 0 then tmpValue = 0 End IF GetRequestNum = tmpValue End Function '写文本文件 Function WriteFile(filename,text) dim txtFile,FSO IF left(filename,1)="/" Then filename = server.Mappath(filename) End IF Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set txtFile = fso.CreateTextFile(filename) txtFile.Write text txtFile.Close Set txtFile = Nothing Set FSO = Nothing End Function '读文本文件 Function ReadFile(filename) dim txtFile,FSO,tmp Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") IF left(filename,1)="/" Then filename = server.Mappath(filename) End IF If Fso.FileExists(filename) Then Set txtFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename,1,false) tmp = txtFile.ReadALL() txtFile.close Set txtFile = Nothing Else tmp = "文件未找到!" End IF Set FSO = Nothing ReadFile = tmp End Function Sub Js(ByVal Str) Response.Write("<sc" & "ript type=""text/javascript"">" & VbCrLf) Response.Write(VbTab & Str & VbCrLf) Response.Write("</scr" & "ipt>" & VbCrLf) End Sub Sub Alert(ByVal str) Response.Write("<sc" & "ript type=""text/javascript"">alert('" & JsEncode(str) & "\t\t');history.go(-1);</sc" & "ript>"&VbCrLf) Response.End() End Sub Sub AlertUrl(ByVal str, ByVal url) Response.Write("<sc" & "ript type=""text/javascript"">"&VbCrLf) Response.Write(VbTab&"alert('" & JsEncode(str) & "\t\t');location.href='" & url & "';"&VbCrLf) Response.Write("</sc" & "ript>"&VbCrLf) Response.End() End Sub Sub ConfirmUrl(ByVal str, ByVal Turl, ByVal Furl) Response.Write("<sc" & "ript type=""text/javascript"">"&VbCrLf) Response.Write(VbTab&"if(confirm('" & JsEncode(str) & "\t\t')){location.href='" & Turl & "';}else{location.href='" & Furl & "';}"&VbCrLf) Response.Write("</sc" & "ript>"&VbCrLf) Response.End() End Sub '函数名称:TextRead '作用:利用AdoDb.Stream对象来读取UTF-8格式的文本文件 '参数:filename-文件物理路径;CharSet-编码格式(utf-8,gb2312.....) Function TextRead(filename,CharSet) Dim str,stm Set stm = server.CreateObject("") stm.Type = 2 '文本模式读取 stm.Mode = 3 stm.Charset = CharSet stm.Open stm.LoadFromFile filename str = stm.readtext stm.Close Set stm = Nothing TextRead = str End Function '函数名称:TextWrite '作用:利用AdoDb.Stream对象来写入UTF-8格式的文本文件 '参数:filename-文件物理路径;Str-文件内容;CharSet-编码格式(utf-8,gb2312.....) Function TextWrite(filename,byval Str,CharSet) Dim stm Set stm = Server.CreateObject("") stm.Type = 2 '文本模式 stm.mode = 3 stm.Charset = CharSet stm.WriteText str stm.SaveToFile filename,2 stm.Flush stm.Close set stm = Nothing End Function '---------- 调试用函数 ------------------------------------------------- dim TestTime1 ' 测试程序运行时间用,程序开始运行时间 dim TestTime2 ' 测试程序运行时间用,程序运行结束时间 ' 默认自动初始化testTime1,只需在页尾调用t2即可。 ' 需更精确地测试时,可以再调用t1,运行任务,t2 TestTime1 = timer() ' 测试程序运行时间 Sub t1() TestTime1 = timer() End Sub Sub t2() TestTime2 = timer() Response.Write "<br>运行时间:" & FormatNumber(( TestTime2 - TestTime1 )*1000,3) & "ms<br>" End Sub '调试变量 Function d(vName) Response.Write vName Response.Write "<br />" Response.flush() End Function ' 列印出表单提交的参数值 Sub PR() dim a For Each a In Request.Form Response.write a Response.write ":" Response.write Request.Form(a) Response.write "<br>" Next End Sub ' 列印出URL查询的参数值 Sub PQ() dim a For Each a In Request.QueryString Response.write a Response.write ":" Response.write Request.QueryString(a) Response.write "<br>" Next End Sub ' 列印出Application变量 Sub PA() Dim a For Each a In Application.Contents Response.write a Response.write ":" Response.write Application.Contents(a) Response.write "<br>" Next End Sub ' 列印出Session变量 Sub PS() dim a For Each a In Session.Contents Response.write a Response.write ":" Response.write Session.Contents(a) Response.write "<br>" Next End Sub '----------编码/解码函数-------------------------------------------------------- 'HTML格式化 Function HtmlFormat(ByVal str) If Not IsN(str) Then Dim m : Set m = RegMatch(str, "<([^>]+)>") For Each Match In m str = Replace(str, Match.SubMatches(0), regReplace(Match.SubMatches(0), "\s+", Chr(0))) Next Set m = Nothing str = Replace(str, Chr(32), " ") str = Replace(str, Chr(9), " ") str = Replace(str, Chr(0), " ") str = regReplace(str, "(<[^>]+>)\s+", "$1") str = Replace(str, vbCrLf, "<br />") End If HtmlFormat = str End Function 'HTML编码 Function HtmlEncode(ByVal str) If Not IsN(str) Then str = Replace(str, Chr(38), "&") str = Replace(str, "<", "<") str = Replace(str, ">", ">") str = Replace(str, Chr(39), "'") str = Replace(str, Chr(32), " ") str = Replace(str, Chr(34), """) str = Replace(str, Chr(9), " ") str = Replace(str, vbCrLf, "<br />") End If HtmlEncode = str End Function 'HTML解码 Function HtmlDecode(ByVal str) If Not IsN(str) Then str = regReplace(str, "<br\s*/?\s*>", vbCrLf) str = Replace(str, " ", Chr(9)) str = Replace(str, """, Chr(34)) str = Replace(str, " ", Chr(32)) str = Replace(str, "'", Chr(39)) str = Replace(str, "'", Chr(39)) str = Replace(str, ">", ">") str = Replace(str, "<", "<") str = Replace(str, "&", Chr(38)) str = Replace(str, "&", Chr(38)) HtmlDecode = str End If End Function ' HTML过滤 Function HtmlFilter(ByVal str) str = regReplace(str,"<[^>]+>","") str = Replace(str, ">", ">") str = Replace(str, "<", "<") HtmlFilter = str End Function ' JS编码 Function JsEncode(ByVal str) If Not isN(str) Then str = Replace(str,Chr(92),"\\") str = Replace(str,Chr(34),"\""") str = Replace(str,Chr(39),"\'") str = Replace(str,Chr(9),"\t") str = Replace(str,Chr(13),"\r") str = Replace(str,Chr(10),"\n") str = Replace(str,Chr(12),"\f") str = Replace(str,Chr(8),"\b") End If JsEncode = str End Function ' ESCAPE Function Escape(ByVal str) Dim i,c,a,s : s = "" If isN(str) Then Escape = "" : Exit Function For i = 1 To Len(str) c = Mid(str,i,1) a = ASCW(c) If (a>=48 and a<=57) or (a>=65 and a<=90) or (a>=97 and a<=122) Then s = s & c ElseIf InStr("@*_+-./",c)>0 Then s = s & c ElseIf a>0 and a<16 Then s = s & "%0" & Hex(a) ElseIf a>=16 and a<256 Then s = s & "%" & Hex(a) Else s = s & "%u" & Hex(a) End If Next Escape = s End Function ' UNESCAPE Function UnEscape(ByVal str) Dim x, s x = InStr(str,"%") s = "" Do While x>0 s = s & Mid(str,1,x-1) If LCase(Mid(str,x+1,1))="u" Then s = s & ChrW(CLng("&H"&Mid(str,x+2,4))) str = Mid(str,x+6) Else s = s & Chr(CLng("&H"&Mid(str,x+1,2))) str = Mid(str,x+3) End If x=InStr(str,"%") Loop UnEscape = s & str End Function '----------其它工具函数--------------------------------------------------------- Function IIF(expr, truepart, falsepart) IF expr = False Then IIF = falsepart Else IIF = truepart End IF End Function Function isN(ByVal str) isN = False Select Case VarType(str) Case vbEmpty, vbNull isN = True Exit Function Case vbString If str="" Then isN = True Exit Function Case vbObject If TypeName(str)="Nothing" Or TypeName(str)="Empty" Then isN = True End IF Exit Function Case vbArray,8194,8204,8209 If Ubound(str)=-1 Then isN = True Exit Function End Select End Function ' 日期格式化函数 ' 参数 strdate:要格式化的日期,fstr:格式字符串 Function DateFormat(strDate,fstr) IF isdate(strDate) Then Dim i,temp temp=replace(fstr,"yyyy",DatePart("yyyy",strDate)) temp=replace(temp,"yy",mid(DatePart("yyyy",strDate),3)) temp=replace(temp,"y",DatePart("y",strDate)) temp=replace(temp,"w",DatePart("w",strDate)) temp=replace(temp,"ww",DatePart("ww",strDate)) temp=replace(temp,"q",DatePart("q",strDate)) temp=replace(temp,"mm",iif(len(DatePart("m",strDate))>1,DatePart("m",strDate),"0"&DatePart("m",strDate))) temp=replace(temp,"dd",iif(len(DatePart("d",strDate))>1,DatePart("d",strDate),"0"&DatePart("d",strDate))) temp=replace(temp,"hh",iif(len(DatePart("h",strDate))>1,DatePart("h",strDate),"0"&DatePart("h",strDate))) temp=replace(temp,"nn",iif(len(DatePart("n",strDate))>1,DatePart("n",strDate),"0"&DatePart("n",strDate))) temp=replace(temp,"ss",iif(len(DatePart("s",strDate))>1,DatePart("s",strDate),"0"&DatePart("s",strDate))) DateFormat=temp Else DateFormat=false End IF End Function ' 禁用缓存 Sub noCache() Response.Buffer = True Response.Expires = 0 Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "Expires",Date() Response.AddHeader "Pragma","no-cache" Response.AddHeader "Cache-Control","private, no-cache, must-revalidate" End Sub ' 正则检测 Function RegCheck(str,reg) Dim re Set re = New RegExp re.Pattern = reg re.Global = True re.IgnoreCase = True re.MultiLine = True RegCheck = re.Test(str) End Function ' 正则替换 Function RegReplace(str,regFind,regRep) Dim re Set re = New RegExp re.Pattern = regFind re.Global = True re.IgnoreCase = True re.MultiLine = True RegReplace = re.Replace(str,regRep) End Function ' 正则匹配 Function RegMatch(ByVal str, ByVal rule) Dim Reg Set Reg = New Regexp Reg.Global = True Reg.IgnoreCase = True Reg.Pattern = rule Set RegMatch = Reg.Execute(str) Set Reg = Nothing End Function ' 常用格式正则检测函数 Function Test(ByVal Str, ByVal Pattern) Dim Pa Select Case Lcase(Pattern) Case "date" Test = IIF(isDate(Str),True,False) : Exit Function Case "idcard" Pa = "^\d{15}$)|(\d{17}(?:\d|x|X)$" Case "english" Pa = "^[A-Za-z]+$" Case "chinese" Pa = "^[\u0391-\uFFE5]+$" Case "username" Pa = "^[a-z]\w{2,19}$" Case "email" Pa = "^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$" Case "int" Pa = "^[-\+]?\d+$" Case "number" Pa = "^\d+$" Case "double" Pa = "^[-\+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$" Case "price" Pa = "^\d+(\.\d+)?$" Case "zip" Pa = "^[1-9]\d{5}$" Case "qq" Pa = "^[1-9]\d{4,9}$" Case "phone" Pa = "^((\(\d{2,3}\))|(\d{3}\-))?(\(0\d{2,3}\)|0\d{2,3}-)?[1-9]\d{6,7}(\-\d{1,4})?$" Case "mobile" Pa = "^((\(\d{2,3}\))|(\d{3}\-))?(1[35][0-9]|189)\d{8}$" Case "url" Pa = "^(http|https|ftp):\/\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+[\/=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]*([^<>\""])*$" Case "domain" Pa = "^[A-Za-z0-9\-]+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4}|[A-Za-z]{2,4}\.[A-Za-z]{2})$" Case "ip" Pa = "^(0|[1-9]\d?|[0-1]\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]).(0|[1-9]\d?|[0-1]\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]).(0|[1-9]\d?|[0-1]\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]).(0|[1-9]\d?|[0-1]\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$" Case Else Pa = Pattern End Select Test = RegCheck(CStr(Str),Pa) End Function ' 检测提交页面来源,本机提交返回真,否则为假 Function CheckDataFrom() Dim v1, v2 CheckDataFrom = False v1 = Cstr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")) v2 = Cstr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")) If Mid(v1,8,Len(v2)) = v2 Then CheckDataFrom = True End If end Function ' 取来访IP Function GetIP() Dim addr, x, y x = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") y = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") addr = IIF(isN(x) or lCase(x)="unknown",y,x) If InStr(addr,".")=0 Then addr = "" GetIP = addr End Function '分页导航生成函数 参数:URL(有其它查询参数时,URL以&结尾,无其它查询参数时以?结尾),当前页数,总记录数 Function ListPage(PageURL,CurPage,PageCount) dim page_info page_info = "<div class=""pagelist"">" IF CurPage<1 Then CurPage=1 IF CurPage>PageCount Then CurPage=PageCount If PageCount<=10 Then For i = 1 To PageCount IF CurPage = i Then page_info = page_info & ("<span>" & i & "</span>") Else page_info = page_info & ("<a href=""" & PageURL & "page=" & i & """>[" & i & "]</a>") End IF Next Else If CurPage>6 Then page_info = page_info & ("<a href=""" & PageURL & "page=1"">[1]</a>...") End If If CurPage<6 Then StartPage = 1 EndPage = 10 Else StartPage = CurPage-5 End If If CurPage+4>PageCount Then EndPage = PageCount StartPage = PageCount-10 Else If CurPage>=6 Then EndPage = CurPage+4 End IF End If For i = StartPage To EndPage IF (i = int(CurPage)) Then page_info = page_info & ("<span>" & i & "</span>") Else page_info = page_info & ("<a href=""" & PageURL & "page=" & i & """>[" & i & "]</a>") End IF Next If CurPage+4<PageCount Then page_info = page_info & ("...<a href=""" & PageURL & "page=" & PageCount & """>[" & PageCount & "]</a>") End IF End IF page_info = page_info & "</div>" ListPage = page_info End Function
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